To place your order, simply shop by adding your selection of products to the online basket, submit and pay on-online through our secure payment option, alternatively, use ‘request information’ form for product enquiries that are not available to buy on-line. You will be directed to a page where you will be requested to enter product information including product code or name and your personal information in order to provide product requested information. Please be advised, we retain the right not to attend to all product requests at our discretion.
Our sales team will contact you using the contact method provided, either by email or telephone to officially place your order and advise retail price and available finishes for the selected product/s. Once all required information has been confirmed, including delivery address, payment, shipping cost, you will receive an order confirmation email with a review of the order details.
Should you require further assistance from our sales team before or after purchase, please contact our sales team on On-Line Sales Team